Below is a list of random Debian based Linux information for my reference. This info also includes some fixes for Raspberry Pi specific related issues.
Random Linux Information
001 – What apps are useful for a New (clean) Install ┊ Debian
Nala - apt frontend:
sudo apt install nala
Misc apps etc…:
sudo nala install ufw gufw fonts-noto-color-emoji conky 7zip rclone tree traceroute inkscape rpi-imager vlc gparted audacious ansiweather w3m lynx psensor code mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-utils vulkan-tools nmap mame zoxide fzf sxiv pass pass-otp ncal
Flatpak package manager:
sudo nala install flatpak
GIMP Beta:
flatpak install --user
Netsurf web browser:
flatpak install --user netsurf
Password manager:
flatpak install --user keepassxc
SNAP Package manager:
sudo nala install snapd
SNAP Store and Commander x16 emulator:
snap install core snap-store x16emu
002 – Terminal ┊ Debian
Use the following key-presses to open a terminal window:
Crtl + Alt + T
To display the terminal command history use the following command:
003 – Software update and Tidy up ┊ Debian
Use the following commands in a terminal window to update Linux to the latest software:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Tidy up install:
sudo apt -y autoremove && sudo apt -y clean && sudo apt -y purge ?config-files
004 – Journal files (journalctl) ┊ Debian
Use the following command in a terminal window to clear out all journal files older than 1 day
sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1d
Use the following command in a terminal window to clear out all journal files but leave the most recent files upto the specified amount of disk space (##B, ##M, ##G)
sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=1B
Use the following command in a terminal window to find out the amount of disk space it taken up by journaling
journalctl --disk-usage
Use the following command in a terminal window to disable journaling
systemctl disable systemd-journald
005 – Location of script files ┊ Debian
Scripts can be placed in the following directory so you don't have to require the full path
006 – Network Manager ┊ Debian
To stop use the following
sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
To start use the following:
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service
To restart use the following:
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
007 – Stop audio setting defaulting to headphones ┊ RasPi OS ┊ Ubuntu
Use the following (for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS):
sudo nano /etc/pulse/
Find "load-module" and comment it out by adding a # to the front of the line
008 – Scrambled online accounts screen ┊ Ubuntu ┊ RasPi OS ┊ Gnome
Use the following in terminal to open the settings with the screens unscrambled:
009 – Stop polling for an SD card constantly when not using one ┊ RasPi OS
Edit config.txt
sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.sys
Add the following to the end of config.txt
010 – Get the CPU temparature ┊ RasPi OS
Use the following command:
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
Note: The result needs to be divided by 1000 to get the actual temperature in °C
011 – *.desktop file, allow launching ┊ Debian
Use the following command:
gio set file.desktop metadata::trusted true
012 – Add *.desktop file to launcher and/or menu ┊ Debian
Copy the *desktop file into the following folder:
013 – Turn off splash screen ┊ RasPi OS
Edit the following file:
sudo nano /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt
Remove the following from the end of the line:
quiet splash
014 – Backup / Restore entire HDD using command line (Terminal) ┊ Debian
dd if=/dev/sda of=./part1.image
ddd if=./part1.image of=/dev/sda
015 – Compressed backup to img file using command line (Terminal) ┊ Debian
cd ~
sudo dd if=/dev/<drive> | gzip -c - > <name>.img.gz
Where <drive> is the name of the mounted drive ie sde, mmcblk0, etc…
016 – Login screen settings ┊ Gnome
Use the following to edit the settings:
sudo nano /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults
Some settings under the [org/gnome/desktop/interface] section:
017 – ALT + F2 to open Run.. dialogue ┊ Wayfire ┊ Labwc
Add the following into the file ~/.config/wayfire.ini at the bottom of the [command] section:
binding_power = <alt> KEY_F2
command_power = sh -c "$(zenity --entry --title='Run' --text='Enter Command' --width='800')"
Place the following in the labwc ~/.config/labwc/rc.xml file
<keybind key="A-f2">
<action name="Execute">
<command>sh -c "$(zenity --entry --title='Run' --text='Enter Command' --width='800')"</command>
018 – Configure Network Manager from CLI ┊ RasPi OS ┊ Bookworm
Use the following command:
019 – Auto update CertBot using cron ┊ Debian
Use the following command to create a cron job:
sudo touch /etc/cron.d/certbot
Use Nano to edit the above file
sudo nano /etc/cron.d/certbot
Cut and paste the following into nano and save the file
# /etc/cron.d/certbot: crontab entries for the certbot package
# Upstream recommends attempting renewal twice a day
# Eventually, this will be an opportunity to validate certificates
# haven't been revoked, etc. Renewal will only occur if expiration
# is within 30 days.
0 */12 * * * root test -x /usr/bin/certbot -a \! -d /run/systemd/system && perl -e "sleep int(rand(3600))" && certbot -q renew
020 – Show network information ┊ Debian
Use the following command (change eth0 for the device you're interested in):
nmcli device show eth0
021 – Check firmware is up to date ┊ RasPi OS
Use the following command:
sudo rpi-eeprom-update
022 – Stop / Start a package from updating via apt ┊ Debian
Use the following commands:
sudo apt-mark hold package-name
sudo apt-mark unhold package-name
or to show packages on hold
sudo apt-mark showhold
023 – numlock on at system start ┊ Debian
Use the following command to install the app numlockx:
sudo nala install numlockx
024 – Dark mode for the login screen ┊ RasPi OS
Edit the file /etc/lightdm/pi-greeter.conf:
gtk-font-name= PibotoLt 24
Note: The directories the wallpaper and icons come from should not be altered as this seems to be hardcoded somewhere, just place and new wallpaper / icon files in the above directories
025 – Find names and info of devices on the network ┊ Debian
Use the following command:
avahi-browse -alr
026 – Find MAC address and device manufacturer of most network device ┊ Debian
Use the following command:
sudo nmap -sn
027 – Clear swap file when plenty of RAM free ┊ Debian
Use the following commands:
sudo swapoff -a; sudo swapon -a
028 – Fix windows MBR after GRUB installed ┊ Windows
Boot up an install CD/DVD (ie Windows 7) and enter the recovery console, use the following command in a command window:
bootrec /fixmbr
029 – Location of menu icons ┊ RasPi OS
Menu icons can be found in the following directory:
030 – Add desktops (workspaces) to window manager ┊ Labwc
Add the following to ~/.config/labwc/rc.xml file:
<name>Desktop 1</name>
<name>Desktop 2</name>
<name>Desktop 3</name>
<name>Desktop 4</name>
<keybind key="W-C-Left">
<action name="GoToDesktop" to="left" />
<keybind key="W-C-Right">
<action name="GoToDesktop" to="right" />
031 – Reload rc.xml configuration file after changes ┊ Labwc
Use the folowing command to load the configuration after changes:
labwc --reconfigure
032 – Test speakers ┊ Debian
Use the folowing command:
speaker-test -t wav -c x
x = number of channels/speakers