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arm Information|Annie UK

Sunday 28 April 2024

Below is a list of random arm (Advanced RISC Machines) information for my reference.

Random arm Information

001 How to compile assembly language on linux
  • as -o object.o source.asm
  • ld -s -o program object.o

You run the program using: ./program

002 helloworld in arm64 assembly

Source: hello.asm

.globl _start
.section .text

        // Get address of
        // counter

        adr x15, counter

        // Get the value at
        // address counter

        ldrb w15, [x15]

        // Print Hello,
        // World!

        bl print_hello
        sub w15, w15, #1
        cmp w15, #0
        beq endpgm
        b loop

        mov x0, _stdout
        adr x1, msg
        mov x2, msglen
        mov w8, _write
        svc #0

        mov x0, #0
        mov w8, _exit
        svc #0

.section .data

    // Constants
        .equ    _stdout,        1
        .equ    _write,         64
        .equ    _exit,          93

// Variables in memory
        .ascii  "Hello, World!\n"
        // Length of msg
        msglen  = . - msg
        .byte   3

003 Simple makefile for helloworld

To run the make file use the make command, the make command can have a label as a parameter, so make clean will run the clean section in the makefile

hello: hello.o
	ld -s -o hello hello.o
hello.o: hello.asm
	as -o hello.o hello.asm
	rm *.o hello

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